
Born and raised in Mexico City, Gisel “Kwi” Velazquez has been surrounded from birth by the beauty of music and the wonders of the natural world. Kwi’s inspiration stems from her belief that the rhythms and the sounds found on dance floors reflect the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and she illustrates this vision through the soulful vibes or organic and melodic house. While her whirlwind emergence as an in-demand DJ is remarkable, it also blossomed naturally—taking shape as an evolutionary blend of cultural roots and positive consciousness.

Kwi is a musical leader whose practice infuses sound with spirituality. Her magic is no mystery. She’s intuitive, yet intentional. Every lineup is a puzzle, and she crafts the missing pieces with curiosity and dedicated crate-digging. Her performances aren’t parties—they’re acts of love that invite dancers to release themselves from life’s pressure points. Kwi is a nurturer of community expression, known for supporting local musicians and walking hand-in-hand with her sisters in the city’s Coven Collective. She has elevated Denver’s most vibrant venues, including Beacon, VXN, and Temple, and her artistic versatility adds flavor to fiery weekend afterparties.

Kwi’s path leads forward to Oaxaca, where she’ll curate sustainable sonic retreats that nourish the body, the soul, and the earth. Guided by the direction of her dreams, Kwi’s journey is just beginning—and she welcomes us along for the ride.

Find Kwi here: